This is the ATYC Newsletter which will be sent out to Clubs on a regular basis. It can be used as an ATYC Club Noticeboard and can carry such items as a Club’s major event or a short news story. Contributions should be sent to me. Happy reading and stay safe. Mike Chambers

Newsletter Distribution.

This monthly newsletter is being sent to those individuals who have been nominated by their clubs as ATYC Member Club Representative so that it can be sent on to all individual members of those clubs. Please therefore pass the newsletter on to your members as soon as you can and within the month of publication. At this time of year many clubs change officers and if there is to be a change of your ATYC representative do please pass this information to us. Additionally, please update us on any changes to your club’s officers. At the moment only 18 clubs have published their club details on the website so please let us have a brief outline and any photograph you would like us to post. Please use the website to make bookings of the forthcoming Spring Ball and rally (when advised) .


We are delighted to announce that we will be holding a summer boating rally over the August bank holiday weekend 2024 at West India, Dock in central London Costs have risen substantially on all fronts since we last held a rally there in 2019 . However, we believe that the total package we have put in place represents value for a central London venue and we sincerely hope that you will support this event, as we are having to commit ourselves to a substantial outlay on your behalf We have agreed with canal and river trust to have exclusive use of a mooring in their dock with the provision of electricity, water, rubbish disposal, and Bankside, shower and toilet facilities along with 4 lock movements (two inbound, and two out) the total cost of which will be met from the rally fee. In addition, we have agreed exclusive use of a function room along with bar facilities at the nearby four-star Britannia hotel which is alongside the dock at the far end . Furthermore, the rally fee will include two tickets for a sumptuous three course meal within our own dining room, which will include dancing with extra tickets available for £30 per head. The meal is buffet style with as much as you can eat for as long as you wish. it may be possible to have reduced additional price tickets for children if there is demand. Furthermore, Dockland Scout Project will be on hand to provide their own brand of boating, experience and tuition and possibly more.

We will be working on a full program and hope to provide additional presentations throughout the weekend The rally fee for the whole weekend will be £250 per boat which we hope you will agree represents good value . There is still much work to be done as they will shortly be a change of management at the dock but in the meantime will all member clubs please notify their members and put this important event in your program for next year .


Anyone affected or interested in the latest Thames flood prevention scheme in the wards of Datchet, Horton, Wraysbury and Old Windsor can meet the project team and ask questions at 2 sessions on 24 Nov at The Wraysbury Hub, 12a High Street, TW19 5DB, (11.30am - 4.30 pm ) and on 25 Nov at Datchet Women’s Institute Hall, The Green, Horton Road, SL3 9EH (11 am - 4pm)

Early Spring Ball.

Richmond Hill Hotel have reduced the price of overnight accommodation to £140 per couple to include breakfast . bookings must be made between 9 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday on (020) 8940 2247. Quoting reference ASSO 240224. There is no charge for parking so long as you enter your car details on the machine in reception Booking for the event is via our website . Would clubs please provide a raffle prize.

BSS Seek New Chairman.

The Boat Safety Scheme Advisory Committee (BSSAC) is seeking a constructive, dynamic, and well-organized individual as its new Chair. They are seeking boat users or members of the marine trade, who likely have some experience of working in committee processes who are interested in helping to keep people and property safe. The role, which is voluntary, is there to ensure that each of the represented interests has the opportunity to input into meetings, appeals panels, working groups etc both online and in-person. The deadline for putting your name forward is 17:00 Wednesday 6 December 2023