Club Night- An Evening with Dick Durham - Tuesday 28th January 2025

Dick Durham has been sailing for over 60 years during which time he has served on the last working
Thames barge, been on the halyards of the 12 metre Victory, acted as watch leader on Gipsy Moth IV
and been on the end of a lifeboat tow rope in the Bay of Biscay in a Force 10 storm. He has written six
books about sailing including the biographies of the last sailing captain, Bob Roberts, yacht designer
Maurice Griffiths and yachting cartoonist Mike Peyton.
He joined Yachting Monthly in 1998 as Feature Writer and News Editor and is still a big part of the
magazine, travelling the globe in search of the best sailing stories. Author of three sailing titles, he is
well known for his powerful and poetic writing style.
His book Amazing Sailing Stories (published by Fernhurst Books) has sold over 10,000 copies in its
previous editions. The latest edition (published March 2024) sees the book return to hardback with a
stunning cover image of Sir Robin Knox-Johnston on Suhaili. The book contains a wonderful collection
of true (amazing) sailing stories from across the centuries.
Duty Officer : Henry Bennett-Gough
New Members Officer : Iain Muspratt