Fast Cruise 3, Hamble - Sat 7th December 2024

Places for dinner are now sold out.
Booking for racing only is available and if a space for dinner becomes available we will let those booked know.
Having sailed slowly and dined royally at the Max Aitken Museum in November we now move back to the mainland and one of the Club’s favourite venues, Banana Wharf in the Hamble. Situated right at the back of the marina, it is not far to walk to the restaurant after your long day fighting the mighty winds. We continue to find venues that will accommodate these ever-popular events, but it is so important to book early and in particular we ask skippers to make sure that their crews sign up promptly. Following the draw on Saturday night we now confirm that the fancy dress theme will be Americas Cup, so lots of scope for innovative outfits. Don’t be shy! There are still some Fast Cruise scarves left, available only to members of the Club at the moment but after the new year we will make any that are remaining available to all.
Skippers must satisfy themselves that they and their crew have appropriate qualifications when entering, please see Rule 27.2
Berths will be reserved in Port Hamble Marina if requested when booking
When booking please ensure you give your boat and crew names and menu choices as appropriate and complete the booking page fully before clicking on the payment link..If you do not receive a confirmation email after making your booking it will not have been registered so please try again. If that does not work, please contact the organisers.
Fast Cruises are very popular so please book early to secure your place.
Organisers: Tim Bizzey & Jonathan Hague