Another successful training weekend took place on Lindisfarne on 13th-14th July. These two-day courses now follow a regular pattern and are very much influenced by the particular levels of competence of the participants. David, Eva and Madeleine spent the Saturday morning learning some basic knots and practising lassoing a pontoon cleat from the boat. They also put into effect WOBBLE and checked the engines. After lunch it was out into Southampton Water where 'Bob' became the MOB casualty who had to be found and recovered. It was then on towards Portsmouth whilst David and Madeleine played with the radar and discovered some of its useful features for the first time.

Joining another LSC boat crew at Gosport Marina for dinner, was convivial with the added plus a view across the harbour. We then set sail at 22:00 hrs for a night passage back to the R. Hamble. The trainees having prepared pilotage plans. These plans were accurate and reliable, and they got us home. Sunday morning was spent on more boatmanship and MOB drills.

Hopefully the trainees gained a lot of skills readily transferable to sailboats; they certainly appeared to enjoy themselves.