Update from Keith Martin HPO HPO Saint Malo, Saint Cast and Le LéguéSint Brieuc
Submitted by Lizziecrab on Sat, 01/02/2025 - 11:10
1) Could you remind members of the reciprocal arrangement that the LSC now has with the Saint Malo Y.C. (SNBSM), and that their facilities are available to LSC members and their guests ?
2) There has been a great deal of talk about the EES project that was due to come into effect in 2024. The project is now apparently scheduled for the Spring of this year. We in the region will be discussing the matter shortly with the regional and national maritime authorities as to how this will be applied in the secondary ports and marinas, particularly those along the French Channel coast, which are the most likely to be affected.
Following discussions that we initiated with the Brittany authorities and which were subsequently accepted nationally, a Protocol was ratified in 2024 permitting boats from outside the Schengen Area to visit France using an Entry/Exit Declaration. This document is available on most, if not all, French marina websites.
It is our understanding that this Protocol will continue to be accepted by the French Customs and Border Forces until such time as the EES comes into force, in whatever shape or form, in the French marinas. We will of course let you know of the outcome of our discussions with the French maritime authorities on the subject when these have taken place.
In the meantime, should members require clarification of the Protocol I would be happy to answer any questions they may have.