AGM - Tuesday 4 March 2025

The Annual General Meetings of the Little Ship Club will take place at 18:30 on Tuesday 4th March.
To attend by Zoom please click on the button to the right.
To book Club Supper please click here.
The number of nominations received for the positions of Vice Commodores, Rear Commodores and Honorary Treasurer were the same as the number of vacancies. Therefore the nominees for these positions will be deemed elected at the AGM.
The number of nominations for Commodore and Committee Members exceeded the number of vacancies. Therefore a ballot will be held to elect these positions.
Ballot papers will be sent to members in early February,and by February 11th at the latest and the ballot will close at 17:00 on Wednesday February 26th.
Duty Officer : Matt Alford
New Members Officer : Jonathan Hague