2015 Reeds Nautical Almanac
We now have the 2015 Reeds Nautical Almanac in the Club library.
Every year data within the Almanac is improved and this year there have been over 45,000 changes. The layout is clear and logical.
It again covers Atlantic coastal waters around the whole of the UK, Ireland, Channel Islands and the European coastline from the tip of Denmark down to Gibraltar, Northern Morocco, the Azores and Madeira.
It includes 700 chartlets, Harbour facilities, Tide tables and streams, 7500 waypoints, International codes and flags, Weather, Distance tables, Passage advice, Area planning charts, Rules of the road, Radio information, Communications, Safety, Mayday and Distress procedures, Documentation and Customs.
It is an indispensable source of information to have on board.
free supplements of up-to-date navigation changes from January to June at: www.reedsnauticalalmanac.co.uk