Calais Rally - 31st May & 1st June 2025

This event is held in conjunction with the Royal Naval Sailing Association, Maldon Little Ship Club and Royal Temple Yacht Club.
The details are given below and all times are French Summer Time:
On Saturday there will be a Beer Call 14:30 to 16:00. In the evening at 19:30 for 20:30 there will be an excellent three course French Dinner with white and red wine at the Cercle Amical Maritime, pleasantly overlooking the harbour.
On Sunday at 10:00 to 11:45 the Bubbly Recuperative Party with bacon butties will take place on the host boat. After this there will be a reception at the Calais Yacht Club. Trophies will be awarded by the LSC to other clubs and to LSC members for various achievements.
The full programme will be available soon.
The cost is £54 and this includes the Beer Call, Dinner with wine, and the Bubbly Recuperative Party.
For vessels leaving and arriving in the UK, His Majesty's Border Force can be informed here.
The Calais Marina website has a French Police Aux Frontieres form here. (also attached to the right). This should be completed and taken to the marina office on arrival.
Please contact the organiser if you have any queries or would like further information.
Organiser: Jonathan Hague
Date and time
Sun, 01 Jun 2025 00:00