Picture of clubroom

A big thank you is due to all the club members who turned out for all three of our recent prospective new members’ evenings to encourage guests to join the Club.  Numbers of visitors held up well across all three nights. Our busiest night turned out to be 16 February when it rained all evening. Over 60 new members have joined since the boat show.

Stats compiled by the Club office show that we had a total of 109 visitors, well above last year’s 76 from two shows. Joiners so far are 63 compared to 33 last year. As we had issued 359 invitations at the boat show this is a good conversion rate.

What was really encouraging was the number of people who had been invited along specially by existing members. This, together with the efforts of all the helpers on the night, and our speakers, contributed to some enjoyable club nights and full sittings for supper. There are likely to be more nights like this in both early and late summer in 2010 so if you would like to help show people round and host them in the clubroom (and persuade them to join) please get in touch.