UKHO Chartwork - training

Some charts will no longer be available from UKHO.

In August the UK Hydrographic Office announced its plans to restructure the Admiralty Leisure product range. This will involve phasing out the following charts from 4th November 2010.

  • Admiralty Leisure Editions (Excluding SC2036, SC2045, SC2656, SC2669, SC808 which will withdrawn from Summer 2011)
  • Non-UK & Ireland Admiralty Leisure Folios (These typically cover the Aegean and Caribbean seas)
  • Admiralty Leisure Tough Charts.
  • RYA Chart Plotter

The UKHO will focus its attention on the Admiralty Leisure Folios for UK & Ireland and Admiralty Easy Tide website, which, it believes, are most valued by its customers.

Stuart Carruthers, Cruising Manager “We are naturally very disappointed by this announcement. By discontinuing the Small Craft Editions the UKHO are pulling the very charts that support the leisure sailor. These charts are lightweight and easy to use and provide detailed information for localised areas.

“Furthermore, the plans to withdraw a number of leisure charts have been announced before extended coastal coverage within the Admiralty Leisure Folios has been confirmed. This will particularly affect much of the Scottish coastline”.

The increase in use of digital charts, and a rise in print costs have made it a lot harder for companies to produce cost effective paper charts; if there are not sufficient sales then it becomes harder to sustain profit margins and production levels, Steen Ingerslev, RYA Publications Manager, explains,

“This is not an issue confined to the maritime sector. The production and sales of paper books is being squeezed by the rise in sales of digital books. The profit margins for book sellers are so small that it’s a fight for survival; one which Borders lost last year”.

Whilst the RYA realise that Admiralty Leisure has been in something of a turmoil over the past couple of years, we believe it produces some of the best charts and publications essential for safe navigation.

It is therefore all the more regrettable that they have taken this decision rather than exploiting their world class reputation of offering yachtsmen a fully comprehensive range of charts and publications to ensure that their planning and undertaking of voyages is carried out safely and easily.